I'm currently engrossed with Yahoo's articles, and recipe searching to fill up my lil book.
This week was a wee-bit productive. I'm enjoying my last few days of holidays, even if it was just staying at home? Hee. But I'm having itchy fingers to try-out some dessert recipes and I've been having weird food cravings at one go. I just tried this carrot cake recipe which is ,to my surprise, turned out pretty good and banana crumble pastry for a special someone :)
I had some good time spent with dear Stephie at Kenny Roger's. It was a very good catch up indeed, and I'm hoping to meet up with her again. Its been a long while and cross my fingers our plan will work out, yes Steph? :)
By the way, I did get a good look at our old school's hall. Gosh, another building burnt in school? What has the world gone in to?
Yesterday! Ohmygosh, fun fun fun is all I can say. A day out with SherRin, Dinesh & Adeline.
Its the first time driving with more than one person in the car. Pretty exhilarating, and my side parking still sucks. :(
Bought our tickets for Get Smart and had lunch at Fish & Co. I shall vow never, and I mean NEVER to enter that shop again. Well, I don't think they would want me to.
They got pissed at us for taking so long to order and changing our orders once and then, they talked bad about us behind our backs? What service is this?
Their service was excellent, so was their food ! I was in complete dilemma on whether to eat bread from BreadStory or to have their famous fish&chips. Lets just say, the way I left it to fate was pretty lame, not to mention, the shop profitted 10cents . The rest of it is history and shall not be mentioned :) But it was really funfunfun .
We had quality talking before heading out to the movies. Get Smart fulfilled my expectations abit. It was comedic and entertaining. Gosh, Anne Hathaway has really outdone herself , appearance wise. Totally outgrown from the days of Princess Diaries to TDWP. Laughed myself at every minute of the movie. And who knew , __ became the bad guy,huh? :)
After the movie, we were in full of excitement after getting updates on the new board.
Haha, Dinesh, have you found out who the __ was? Seriously, we were going berserk in the middle of the shopping mall . But, like I said, yesterday was really good for me.
Bought dinner back for the brother&sister and mum's cough drops. :( Mum's pretty sick with the wheezing & cough.
Alrighty. Back to recipe searching :)