Monday, June 16, 2008

Look Me In the Eyes

Today is the first day in my history that I stayed up the entire night, without even letting my eyelids shut even for a moment and the best part is, i successfully dragged myself through college the entire day, until now, sitting in my college's web (it's where there's lots and lots of computers), typing away on it when i am suppose to be driving home by now, jumping right into bed.

Thanks to IT project that now i feel like crap. The fact that i can't even put words in correct order in a sentence when i speak. I feel like i'm lacking so much of sleep. Like just now, in Accounts lesson, gosh, how boring can it get? I fell asleep while staring at the computer screen when Mr. Madhavan was at the front explaining about MYOB. In the end, i didn't understand a thing.

And why am i here now? Because i have to do some research on a tiny presentation tomorrow. And look, what did i end up doing? Blame it on the sucky connection back home. The connection's history. Comes on and off. It's so bloody annoying.

Okays, i'd better stop rambling and distracting myself and my ass get back to work.

Till then,

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